Big Data Pilot Demo Days- I-BiDaaS Application to the Financial sector

Thursday, May 21, 2020 - 14:00
BDV PPP Virtual Summit 2020

Hosted by BDV PPP. BigDataStack, I-BiDaaS, Track & Know and Policy Cloud join forces in a series of online demonstrations of innovative Big Data Technologies unlocking the potential of various applications.

Big Data Pilot Demo Days - A BigDataStack Seafarer’s tale of Real-Time Shipping

Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 14:00
BDV PPP Summit 2020

Hosted by BDV PPP. BigDataStack, I-BiDaaS, Track & Know and Policy Cloud join forces in a series of online demonstrations of innovative Big Data Technologies unlocking the potential of various applications.

Big Data Pilot Demo Days - BigDataStack Connected Consumer

Thursday, May 28, 2020 - 14:00
BDV PPP Summit 2020

Hosted by BDV PPP. BigDataStack, I-BiDaaS, Track & Know and Policy Cloud join forces in a series of online demonstrations of innovative Big Data Technologies unlocking the potential of various applications.

FinTech and InsuranceTech case studies digitally transforming Europe’s future with BigData and AI-driven innovation

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 14:00

The new data-driven industrial revolution highlights the need for big data technologies to unlock the potential in various application domains. The insurance and finance services industry are rapidly transformed by data-intensive operations and applications. FinTech and InsuranceTech combine very large datasets from legacy banking systems with other data sources such as financial markets data, regulatory datasets, real-time retail transactions and more, improving financial services and activities for customers. 

Create Kubernetes operators - hands on experience

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 12:00

The added value of BigData Analytics for the Maritime Industry: A BigDataStack real-time shipping use-case demonstration @Posidonia 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 16:45

Update: the Poseidonia event 2020 that should have been held on the 26-30 October in Athens, Greece, it has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Join the workshop on the added value of big data analytics for the maritime industry, demonstrating the off-the-shelf solutions provided by H2020 project BigDataStack for Real-Time Shipping.

BigDatastack Consortium Meeting on Achitecture

Monday, January 27, 2020 - 09:00

BigDataStack project partners kick-off the third year of the project with a consortium meeting focusing on the BigDataStack architecture. The objectives of the meeting are to:

Workshop On Big Data Infrastructures For Data Intensive Applications - BIGDS2020

Monday, April 13, 2020 - 09:00

In conjunction with the 6th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications, Apr. 13 - 16, 2020, Keble College, Oxford, United Kingdom. 

RedHat Research Day 2020

Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 08:00

Research Day is a day dedicated to the research initiatives Red Hat supports at various universities around Europe.