In this series, BigDataStack is taking each of its six services under the looking glass, highlighting its software components, their functionalities and place in the BigDataStack infrastructure management. Each service consists of a set of software components that allow for specific Big Data applications and operations, that will be showcased. For you, to have a quick understanding of the added value of the BigDataStack software for your own business, BigDataStack partners have prepared a series of videos. Now we look at the Dimensioning Workbench for the dimensioning of data-intensive applications.
The BigDataStack Dimensioning Workbench
The goal of the BigDataStack dimensioning phase is to provide insights into the required infrastructure resources. Primarily for the data services components, linking the used resources to the load and expected Quality of Service (QoS) levels. To this end, the dimensioning workbench needs to link the application related information to the used resources and provide recommendations on the deployment mechanisms. The main issues that need to be handled by the Dimensioning Workbench are:
- The target trade-off that needs to be achieved between a generic functionality and an adapted operation.
- The achieved abstraction and automation for the easy launching of highly scalable and multi-parameter benchmarks against the data services, with minimal user interaction and need for involvement.
- The workflow-based nature of the application, which implies that the application structure should be known and taken under consideration by the analysis.
- The dimensioning workbench needs to receive input on available deployment patterns from the Pattern Generation in order to populate them with the expected QoS, information that is taken under consideration in the process for final ranking and selection.
- Adaptation of benchmarking tests in a dockerized manner, to be launched through the framework, based on each test’s requirements and needed sequences.
BigDataStack Application Dimensioning Workbench for Application Engineers and Developers
BigDataStack offers the Application Dimensioning Workbench to enable application owners and engineers to experiment with their application and obtain dimensioning outcomes regarding the required resources for specific data needs and data-related properties.
How can the BigDataStack software be implemented in your organisation?
Be inspired by our connected consumer, real-time shipping and smart insurance use cases, and their implementations.
Browse through our services and their software components.
Read our reports on Requirements and State of the Art Analysis:
- D2.1 Requirements & State of the Art Analysis – I
- D2.2 Requirements & State of the Art Analysis – II
- D2.3 Requirements & State of the Art Analysis – III
- D2.6 - Conceptual model and Reference architecture - III
Or simply drop us mail at contact@bigdatastack.eu