Three BigDataStack team members attended the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data transforming Business and Society, in October 2019 in Helsinki. Ana- Belén Gonzalez (Atos) Leads the exploitation work in BigDataStack, Mauricio Fadel (NEC) is BigDataStack’s connection to the BDVA where he joins the technical and coordination meetings. Bin Cheng, Senior researcher at NEC European labs, gave a talk during EBFVF on Enabling Smart Manufacturing with Federated AI at the Edge about his research on edge computing, developed in BigDataStack. We video interviewed them there and asked about their main takeaways
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence transforming Business and Society
The EBDVF is the main event of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community. In 2017 the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the European Commission (DG CNECT) joined forces to create this event fusion of the former EDF (European Data Forum) and the BDVA Summit. The 2019 edition entailed talks and discussion panels on “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence transforming Business and Society”. You can watch the EBDVF2019 summary video here.
Key Learnings for BigDataStack
During this event BigDataStack Gonzalez, Fadel and Cheng raised awareness on the BigDataStack results and activities, engaged with key stakeholders and gained new insights on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence transforming Business and Society. We asked them what they brought back from the EBDVF for BigDataStack. Watch the interviews: