D7.3 – Exploitation Plan and Business Potential-V2

This deliverable is the second of a set of two Exploitation and Business Potentials deliverables included in the BigDataStack Grant Agreement.

The objective of this deliverable is to report on the exploitation activities carried out within Task 7.14, from M18-M36. The report is focused on the exploitation paths for BigDataStack components, partners’ exploitation plans and BigDataStack joint exploitation.

Structure of the document

This document is structured in 3 main sections:

  • Section 3. Exploitation Objectives and Activities: This section provides an overview of the exploitation activities carried out among partners and with external stakeholders during the second period of the project.
  • Section 4. BigDataStack Exploitable Assets and MVPs: It provides updated information on the BigDataStack exploitable assets as well as which exploitable assets can be grouped into MVPs with high exploitation potentiality. Moreover, we include more business-related updated information from the exploitable assets.
  • Section 5. BigDataStack Exploitation and Sustainability Strategy: This section presents the BigDataStack exploitation and sustainability strategy, and detailed information at the consortium and individual levels. It also provides the partners’ final exploitation plans and BigDataStack joint exploitation strategy.

Finally, in the last section, we present the conclusions of the exploitation activities carried out during the project lifetime.
